
Monday, 1 January 2018

Activity Learning Day 6 Activity 1 Week 1 New Zealand Uniform Ranking

Entertaining the crowd

So i will be ranking the photos from 1 to 3
Here are the photos
 London Olympics 2012
I rank this a 3 because of the colour it doesnt the colour and its a jacket but this what  i think.
 Beiijing Olympcs 2008

I rank this unifrom a 2 because i like how it has a big fern on the left side of the uniform.That is what I think.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    I like that you’ve made sure to include the pictures of the uniforms you are ranking, as a reader I appreciate that. You’ve ranked all three uniforms and given a reason for your ranking for two. I am curious as to why your highest ranked uniform was chosen.. Perhaps you could edit your post to include why you’ve chosen to rank it in first place, I’d like to know your thoughts. Also which Olympics was it for the team wearing the uniform in the third picture? Do you know where the Olympics were held that year?

    I like the fact that the uniforms have a black and white theme, although I have to say that I don’t particularly like the way any of them look. If I were to rank them, the uniform in the third picture would be first because it is nice and simple without too many distracting patterns. First place would be followed by the 2008 Beijing uniform in second and the 2012 London uniform in third, these two were a little too busy with patterns and drab for me.

    Loving all these posts but you must remember to start the activities from the 2017-2018 Summer Learning Journey!
    You can get started here:

    Toe feiloa’i fo’i,



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